

템플릿 – Hero Section With Description

Valley of Wine

There are also wines made from fermenting other fruits or cereals, whose names often specify their base, with some having specific names.

Wines made from plants other than grapes include rice wine and various fruit wines such as those made from plums or cherries.

Some well known example are hard cider from apples, perry from pears, pomegranate wine, and elderberry wine.

Some UK supermarkets have been criticised for selling “wine based” drinks, which only contain 75% wine, but which are still marketed as wine.

상호 : 로셈트레이딩아카데미

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대표자 : 장영한

사업자 주소 : 서울특별시 서대문구 홍은중앙로181 2층

대표번호 : 02-780-1764

이메일 주소 : rocem_official@naver.com


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